Zero-downtime with Rails credentials part III
Zero-downtime with Rails credentials part II
Parallels between consulting & software development and staying in a hotel room in London
Zero-downtime with Rails credentials
Custom site search in Google Chrome
Remove annoying sound from VSCode
The importance of everyone's opinion
DEI during in-person meetups
Treat yourself days
Pairing is caring
The best way to rubberduck
Questionable new ways of running a retrospective
Git branch in terminal
Close all open tabs in VSCode
Quirky aspects of Active Record
Install ruby 3.1.2 on Apple M1
Don't be foooled by TypeScript's literal types
Nullish Coalescing Operator in JS
Capybara session
Properties of a JavaScript function
File structure in a codebase: Pod structure vs not
A promise is a promise
postgresql initial setup
npm public and private packages and modules
Basic React TIL
Barebones Debugging
Time Helpers Part 2
Elementary School of Refactoring
What is an API? For non-developers
RSpec Context
Motivation when learning a new language
Analogies between interviewing and teaching
RSpec Custom Matchers
Reflections on writing tests before or after writing a method
Be a better interviewer
Rails form helper: fields_for
Expectations for an input tag - RSpec
Time Helpers
What do you measure, though?
Disabled radio button
button_to is not a button!
git bisect to the rescue
Avoid Rabbit Holes
How to run and debug a Jest spec
sub vs gsub in Ruby strings
When I want to write a new method
Arel tables
Unavoidable let - RSpec
Length validation