Remove annoying sound from VSCode
In VSCode I use the keybindings from Atom, the old editor.
I move lines up and down using “Control + Command + Arrow Up” and “Arrow Down”.
In VSCode when I move a line down with “Control + Command + Arrown Down” there is an annoying error sound that, like the Terminal sound. This is a known bug related to Electron, apparently.
The solution 🙌
Create a file for default keybindings and edit it (I use VIM 😉):
vim ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict
Add this exact content to it, save it.
"@^\UF701" = "noop:";
I got the keybindings from this gist
where @
is Command, ^
is Control and \UF701
is Arrow Down.
Restart VSCode. DONE.